We took Carol's mom Lucille to Guando temple near Danshui during her visit with us. In this hugh complex of temples are many altars to many gods. In front of many of them were thousands of #5 tin cans wrapped beautifully and filled with sand, scissors, magnifying glass and a ruler. I was told that these are offerings for help with students' exams and that many parents and children come to pray at this time...kind of the Asian version of a cheat sheet.
Speaking of which, our school has had a major crisis as several students were able to get passwords and hack into the grade system. Our superintendent and administrators did a great job finding out how far the damage went by calling in a major computer manufacturing company and then calling in another internet security firm to check their findings. The students are not with us anymore because the creditability of the institution is done for if the high end universities think that grades are compromised. I am not saying too much here because it is a public space but more in person as is appropriate.