Wednesday, September 17, 2008

So tell me What is wrong with this picture?

As we listen to the interminable election coverage and hear less and less about real topics like health care reform, we wonder why the great fear of National Health Insurance? If we first get it firmly in our heads that paying health insurance premiums is in effect a tax which supports those who cannot afford to pay the premiums, And get beyond equating anything that supports "the masses" as being a giant stride towards communism And if we can get beyond the belief that insurance companies (AIG) are there to protect us, THEN we might find great and wonderful benefits in a system like we have in Taiwan.

Three examples: I have been suffering with a summer cold for three weeks. When I decided to go to a Dr., I walked into the Dr of my choice, waited 15 minutes, consulted with him and received three meds including antibiotics and paid a total of $6.75 USD. (2) Although the meds helped the cold, I developed a middle ear infection so I walked into the ENT Dr of my choice w/o an appointment, waited 10 minutes, consulted, had a minor surgical procedure, and left with Amoxycillin, Augmenten antibiotics and a powerful decongestant and paid a total of $6 USD. (3) As most of you know Carol had rather major surgery last May. We chose to go to a state of the art cancer research hospital (NO CAROL DID NOT HAVE ANYTHING LIKE CANCER) and we had to pay out of our own pocket $2100 USD for 4 days in the hospital, all meds, all Dr.s including the surgeon and anesthesiologist, EVERYTHING included.....Care to guess what all that would be in the states? The Dr.s were US trained and certified, the facilities completely modern and hygienic and the care tender.

Asian countries are running a Huge medico-tourist business to bring patients for advanced medical diagnosis and treatment.

I think we do not have as much to fear from a change in medical system as those who benefit from status quo would like us to believe.

Just an observation.....